来源:2592作者:李经理2021/11/5 16:47:00

Impact Crusher crushing chamber design

Impact crusher is a new type of high efficiency crushing equipment, in the artificialhttp://www.chinadjkj.com/product/list1/fjspsj.html application of market are also popular, impact crusher excellent mechanical properties and their reasonable and optimized structure is inseparable, Dajia impact crusher crushing cavity design perfect production process.

We all know crusher crushing chamber is unloaded from http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/324.html the feed com***ition guides , two points back plate as well as guides to the second level space back plate nesting population com***ed of arcs . Dajia Industrial production crusher crushing effect on the quality of the main cavity design : the first stage back plate ( back shelf ) with http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/jswx/314.html overall manganese steel parts to increase its quality, increase the crushing effect of bulk materials ; second after the class back plate as close as ***sible , and the lower horizontal discharge port close to the rotor in order to enhance the shear crushing effect on the material . The role of the back plate is ex***ed to the material being hammered plate on which the impact crusher , the material will be broken again bounced back http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/hyxw/313.html crushing area , impact crusher again. The shape and structure of the back plate of great influence on the crushing effect . Serrated surface of the back plate fitted and flat -shaped liner, due to the different shape of the liner material crushing effect is not the same. Because the rock hit the plane greater than the local serrated teeth on edge than the pressure and because of the small plane and serrated liner forming a bottom http://www.chinadjkj.com/news/hyxw/294.html surface of the back plate angle, rock crushing cavity increases the residence time . Therefore , serrated liner liner over the plane , the other conditi*** under the same conditi*** , a finer granularity and increase processing capacity by about 15% to 25 %. But after a serious crush , serrated wear faster than the plane .


李经理 (业务联系人)



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