来源:2592作者:2022/9/5 12:26:00

杆柱脱落Rod shedding杆柱脱落也是螺杆泵常发生的一种故障现象,表现为运行电流很低,井口也无产液,正反循环油套不连通,通过对扣或下入抽油杆打捞工具就可以进行处理来恢复生产。抽油杆脱落也有两种情况,一是脱扣,一是掳扣。造成脱扣的原因是停机后抽油杆柱扭转变形余能释放引起杆柱反转,可以采取在地面和抽油杆柱上安装防倒装置进行防止。造成杆柱掳扣的原因有三个:一个是稠油井在长时间关井后再启泵时,启动扭矩特别大,把螺纹损坏了;一个是油特别稠,螺杆泵长期在高扭矩下工作而把螺纹损坏;再有一个原因是定子部分脱胶,转子转不动造成的。

B、转子B, rotors转子的结构也非常简单,主体是钢制杆件,一般外涂耐磨耐蚀的铬合金材料。其作用是传递动力和写定子形成密封腔。The structure of the rotor is also very simple, the main body is steel rod, generally coated with abrasion resistant and corrosion resistant chromium alloy material. Its function is to transfer power and write the stator to form a seal cavity.C、回转筒C, rotary barrel回转筒也就是一根内径较大的油管或空心定子筒,接在定子的上部以给转子和抽油杆杆柱以较大的回旋空间,防止转子和抽油杆因偏心运动磨擦磨损油管。A rotary cylinder is also an oil tube or hollow stator barrel with larger inner diameter. It is connected to the upper part of the stator to provide larger swirl space for the rotor and sucker rod string, so as to prevent the rotor and sucker rod from attrition wear due to eccentric wear.

E、抽油杆扶正器E, sucker rod centralizer抽油杆扶正器由心轴和扶正筒组成,它接在两根抽油杆之间,被卡在两个抽油杆接箍之间。心轴也就是一要极短的抽油杆短节。扶正筒是一个内孔比心轴大1MM左右的空心塑料筒,外部有四个略比油管内径小的扶正翼,采取浇注成型。扶正筒可以围绕心轴转动,防止抽油杆旋转时与内壁接触而磨蚀油管,又可以让流体通过。The sucker rod centralizer is comed of the heart shaft and the upright cylinder, which is connected between the two sucker rods and is stuck between the two sucker rod hoops. The axis of the heart is also an extremely short rod short section. The centering cylinder is a hollow plastic tube inner hole Bixin shaft around 1MM, external four slightly smaller than the diameter of the tubing centralizer wing, adopt casting. The centralizer can revolve around the axis to prevent the sucker rod from touching the inner wall when it rotates, and it can also let the fluid pass through.

 单螺杆泵类别:    泵从大类分为两种:容积泵和流量泵。    容积泵:通过泵的传动部件形成的空腔转运流体,传动部件的转动移出流体分为往复式和旋转式两大类    流量泵:带给流体动能,流体转运和循环;不允许干运行,液面以下运转单螺杆泵特点:    1、在低转速工况下压力稳定    2、低必须气蚀余量    3、可输送含大颗粒的介质    4、可输送含磨蚀性的介质    5、压力可至48B    6、流量稳定、可用于计量加药    7、流量对介质的粘度高低影响不大    8、只有一处轴封、便于检修

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