来源:2592作者:2021/11/8 7:20:00


Forging is a kind of forging process that uses pressure forming machinery to exert pressure on metal billet and make it produce plastic deformation to obtain certain processing methods of forging, which has certain mechanical properties, shape and size, and is one of the two components of forging, forging and stamping.


I don't know what we think about more when we hear the two  of the craft?自由锻造是利用冲击力或压力使金属在上下砧面间各个方向自由变形,不受任何限制而获得所需形状及尺寸和一定机械性能的锻件的一种加工方法,简称自由锻。 I think a lot of people's pursuit of the craft is mostly on some of the works of art. In fact, not only is the art of art demanding very high technology. In our field of machinery, we also strive for improvement in technology, because only superb technology can make more perfect products, for example, large diameter flanges require high technological requirements for them.


Manual free forging is inefficient and labor intensive. It is only used for the production of repair or simple, small and small forgings.Free forging cists of manual free forging and machine free forging.


完全镦粗。完全镦粗是将坯料竖直放在砧面上, 在上砧的锤击下, 使坯料产生高度减小,横截面积增大的塑性变形。

Upsetting mainly includes the following forms:

Full upsetting. Complete upsetting is to place the blank vertically on the anvil surface, hammering on the anvil, so that the height of the blank decreases, the cross-sectional area increases plastic deformation.

王秋 (业务联系人)



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