Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has accomplished annual production plan and marketing schedule 4 month before the end of the year 2015!Wemanufacturehighprecisionresistors,ultrahighprecisionresistorswithtoleranceupto0。 It is a hard year for all manufacturers in China but it is a good developing year for Thunder Precision Resistors.
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司已经提前4个月完成了2015年度的生产计划和市场销售任务,虽然现在经济形势非常不好,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工利用这个机会,全力以赴开展工艺培训,优化生产操作过程、从而进一步提高产品性能与产品质量的优化季度活动,不仅稳定了军心,而且大大提高了大家的工作积极性与质量意识,产品性能和质量的不断提高的基础建设扎实稳定,为迎接2016年度 发展做好了充分的准备。本公司坚持"质量第diyi一,用户至上,真诚携手各行业用户共创辉煌。
Riedon Co., Ltd. and Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. are the partners in manufacuture and develop high precision resistors and special resistors for more than 10 years.
We manufacture high precision resistors, ultra high precision resistors with tolerance upto 0.01% and temperature coefficient low than 1ppm/K. The lowest resistance is 0.001Ohm and the highest resistance is 1G Ohm!0的三大推动机构之一、欧洲的应用科学研究机构——德国弗劳恩霍夫应用研究促进协会(Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft)共同组织了“2015年中国电子元件行业协会德国工业4。 Both wire wound precision resisotrs and metal glaze film resistors cover from very low to extra high resistance for meeting all the requirements from our customers all of the world.
美国瑞盾公司和盛雷城精密电阻有限公司是长期的战略伙伴,***生产制造高精密电阻和各种特殊电阻器,阻值覆盖范围大,从0.001欧姆 到 1G 欧姆,阻值精度可以高达 0.01%!
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