晶圆线绕熔断电阻器,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司推出新型线绕熔断电阻器的MELF 封装,用于表面贴装的线绕熔断电阻器,具有功率大,可靠性高,熔断功率高,熔断时间可以选择等优良性能,已经被广大用户普遍接受,优良的产品性能也得到用户的一致好评。
现在生产的晶圆线绕熔断电阻器的功率覆盖面已经有 0.5W,1.0W 和 2.0W,根据用户的特殊需要,3W 的晶圆线绕熔断电阻器也已经开始进行可靠性试验,2个月内就可以通过试验认证。
现在生产的晶圆线绕熔断电阻器的尺寸有 0207,0411两种,有 0.5W 本体积和小体积,1W 超小型、小型和本体积,2W 超小型、小型化等多钟选择,地满足用户的不同设计与生产需要。
这也是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的质量方针中 “用户至上”的诠释!
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has accomplished annual production plan and marketing schedule 4 month before the end of the year 2015!01%,甚至高于国内金属箔电阻器的精度标准,产品具有极高的稳定性和可靠性。 It is a hard year for all manufacturers in China but it is a good developing year for Thunder Precision Resistors.
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司已经提前4个月完成了2015年度的生产计划和市场销售任务,虽然现在经济形势非常不好,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工利用这个机会,全力以赴开展工艺培训,优化生产操作过程、从而进一步提高产品性能与产品质量的优化季度活动,不仅稳定了军心,而且大大提高了大家的工作积极性与质量意识,产品性能和质量的不断提高的基础建设扎实稳定,为迎接2016年度 发展做好了充分的准备。高精密电阻器的生产工艺过程需要非常严格的管理和控制,这对于高精密电阻器与超高精密电阻器的品质与性能有着及其重要的决定性保障。
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. Has been starting equipment upgrade program. Fiber laser trimming systems will replace
all the YAG laser and simi-conductor laser.
Fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.
Thunder Precision Resistors makes high precision and ultra precision resistors and ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability and reliability already!盛雷城依托人才优势,重视产品的开发和技术创新,在精密电阻产品的精度、稳定性、温度系数以及特殊行业的应用上均有独到的优势,另外针对客户的个性化需求,公司有极强的反应能力,及时提供有针对性的产品,满足客户的需求。
Thunder Precision Resistor's production base is located in Economic Development Zone of Ganzhou city ,Jiangxi Province , covers an area of more than 6000 square meters, has a spacious and clean production factory, production facilities are available in all varieties.We imported resistance of the production process from Austria and after 20 years of continuous innovation, We have advanced management programin the production process management, which ensure that products can be effectively managed in accordance with established process.
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