The hexagon combination and the connected color lump of the mosaic hexagonal shingle interpret elegancy
and tranquility. The simple, clear and smooth line design, and the integration of points, lines and areas, build
an in-depth tensional sense and added a perfect and dense archaistic flavor to the roof appearance. Therefore,
you can have fresh and elegant visual enjoyment and comfortable and free living experience while staying in
the house. This shingle is florid and varied colorful scenery on your roof. The innovative self-adhesive tape
both increases the wind resistance and the self-protection ability of the roof. It can be widely used in terraces,
affordable housings, hotels, log cabins and clubs with roof grades greater than 10-degree in any environment.
姓名: 俞先生 先生
手机: 18888768647
业务 QQ: 706365693
公司地址: 浙江省诸暨市次坞镇晶达路1号
电话: 0575-87731188
传真: 0575-87731188