MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8 磅Normal0Users’ security is the first aspect of TRILOS’ designation all the time. We have analyzed a numbers of cases to develop the individual clean system. When the torque is abnormal, the rolling would stop immediately.
1. 导电浆料(银浆、铝浆等)Electro conduction paste(Ag paste, Al paste)
2. 阻焊油墨 Solder-resisting ink
3. 电子印刷油墨 Electronic printing ink
4. OLED导电胶 OLED conducting resin
5. 液晶模组电性粘合剂 LCD module electrical adhesive
6. 光伏油墨 PV ink
7. 太阳能电极材料 Solar cell electrode
8. 陶瓷电子浆料Electronic Ceramic pastes
9. 电子封装材料 Electronic packaging material
泰洛思(苏州)精密设备有限公司 , TRILOS迄今已有十余年的发展历史,我们始终视客户满意为我们的目标,力求将z优1秀的工艺技术结合客户的极新需求,设计出***贴近客户需求的***产品。