所谓低温热轧是指稍高于再结晶温度下的轧制。提高轧制温度可以降低轧件温度的屈服应力,使变形功降低。但是由于变形功可以转化为热量,因此,当轧件温度的热损失主要是热辐射时,热损失量与轧件温度的4 次方成正比。
The so-called low temperature hot rolling is a rolling that is slightly higher than the recrystallization temperature. Increasing rolling temperature can reduce yield stress of workpiece and reduce deformation work. However, the deformation work can be converted into heat, so when the heat loss of the rolling temperature is mainly heat radiation, the amount of heat loss is proportional to the 4 time of the rolling temperature.

The rolling of steel is the core of the whole rolling process. The blanks are rolled to complete the deformation process. The rolling process plays a decisive role in the quality of the product. The quality requirements of rolling products include three aspects,设备安装厂, including the internal structure and performance of the geometric and dimensional accuracy of the products and the finish of the products.
How does the slitting tool stick to the steel? (1) the slitting hole is aging. The cutting hole is thicker at the cut point and the cutting load is thicker. (2) the cutting section and the pass are not in the middle,轧钢设备安装, so that the cutting tool can not cut the material well and cause the sticky steel. (3) the cooling effect of the cooling water is not good, and (4) the of the material type is not good, or there is a strip head and the flower head phenomenon, so that the cutting knife can't go smoothly. Cut the material type.