

The basic process of free forging are upsetting, stretching, punching, cutting, bending, torsion, displacement and welding etc.. Die forging is also divided into open die forging and closed die forging. Metal billets are pressed and deformed to form forgings in the forging die chamber with a certain shape, and die forging is generally used for producing parts with small weight and large batches.


Machine forging is the main method of free forging. It can forge large forgings with a quality of hundreds of t, which makes free forging play a very role in heavy machinery manufacturing. For example, the main shaft of a hydraulic turbine, a multi crank crankshaft, a large connecting rod, and important gear parts are subjected to heavy loads when they are working. Free forging is often used to produce blanks, so that they have high mechanical properties.


After 60s twentieth Century, forging machinery changed the trend from nineteenth Century to heavy and large direction, and turned to high speed, high efficiency, automatic, precision, special, multi variety production.

姓名: 王秋 女士
手机: 13904127277
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