


Pressure test of PPR water pipe

After the transformation of PPR water pipe, the pressure test must be done well. If there is an opportunity, we need to be  actually observe whether the pressure drops. We can wrap a news***er around the joint and easily find the leakage. Don't wait for the cement to be laid before you test the water.


The difference between PPR pipe and PVC pipe can be based on the thickness of pipe diameter, but the essentials of this identification must be experienced. First of all, we should be familiar with the environment of the pipe, and have less impression. In this way, after a long time, you can see the size of the pipe.

劣质PPR管道寿命较短,PVC管业生产,只可使用1~3年,消费者一旦选用了劣质的PPR管道,PVC管业制造,在短期使用后,就会发生渗漏、爆管等事故,刚装修完工的新居可能就要毁于一旦,的PPR管道在正常条件下,使用寿命可达50年,PPR管道非高科技产品,决定PP-R品质的关键在原料上(中国从国外进口的原料只占国内用量的五分之一). 正因为PPR原料对PPR管道的品质起到关键的作用,所以选用管道要生产厂家的原料及生产商的品牌、实力和售后服务。

姓名: 郑总(Rainy) 先生
手机: 13857609010
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