三种PP管材中,管材抗冲击性能PP-R>PP-B>PP-H,管材热变形温度PP-H>PP-B>PP-R,管材刚 性PP-H>PP-B>PP-R,管材常温温度PP-H>PP-B和PP-R,管材耐化学腐蚀性PP-H>PP-B和PP- R。
Among the three kinds of PP pipes, the impact resistance PP-R > PP-B > pp-h, the thermal deformation temperature pp-h > PP-B > PP-R, the rigidity pp-h > PP-B > PP-R, the normal temperature pp-h > PP-B and PP-R, and the chemical corrosion resistance pp-h > PP-B and pp-r.

For the supports and hangers of water supply and drainage pipes,PVC管业加盟, some workers choose small parts steel in order to save costs, the number of layout does not meet the requirements, or the location of layout is unreasonable. Solution: the support and hanger should be set near the cross pipe tee and elbow (the impact force of water flow is greater here). In addition, for UPVC pipe, the spacing of horizontal pipe hanger is the same as its DN diameter, for example, the spacing of Dn40 pipe hanger is 40cm.

Gafloon卡弗龙(图)-PVC管业电话-金华PVC管业由台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司提供。台州艾菲力塑胶有限公司是浙江 台州 ,塑料管的见证者,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在艾菲力塑胶领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创艾菲力塑胶更加美好的未来。同时本公司还是从事PPR管,地暖管,PVC管的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。