
The cold insulation performance of the duck house should be excellent. The roof should have ceiling or heat insulation. The north wall should not leak air. The height of the eaves is 2.6~2.8 meters. The ratio of window to ground area is 1:8. The area of the south window is comparable. The north window is 1 times larger, the south window is 60-70 cm above the ground, and the north window is 1 to 1.2 meters high from the ground. In order to make the summer well ventilated, the north side can open the foot and window. But without glass,欧洲雁苗电话, only iron bars or lead wire mesh are installed to prevent animal damage. In the cold season, it is sealed with tarpaulin or plastic cloth to prevent air leakage. In addition to setting up drainage ditch, there is also a place for breeding ducks to lay eggs in the evening. Single-row type duck house, the walkway is on the north side, the drainage ditch is next to the walkway, the barbed wire or wooden strip is covered, the drinker is placed on the wire mesh,欧洲雁苗价格, and the south side is on the side of the wall. The terrain is slightly higher, and the nest box can be placed. The egg laying box is 30 cm wide and 40 cm long. It is nailed with wooden boards, without bottom, and the front is lower for the ducks to enter and exit. The other three sides are 35 cm high, and the bottom of the box is covered with wood chips or short clean mats. Each box can be used for 3 egg type ducks or 4 meat type ducks.xx


窗户的通风和通风目前,鸭舍一般以自然通风和照明为主。鸭舍的窗户应尽可能高,每8平方米安装1平方米的窗户。在白天,鸭子应该出去打开窗户,以方便通风和通风。保持鸭舍干燥。晚上,鸭子将关闭所有窗户以保暖。 3,鸭子密度合理布置过高,排泄粪便量相应较高,容易引起鸭舍潮湿。因此,放养密度应合理。鸭舍里的酒吧不应该太大。每列中的鸭子是100-150。建议在春季每平方米饲养5到6只鸭子,每平方米不要超过8只鸭子。


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