


Each individual slave module enables the connection of a singlesensor.

It is powered from the internal bus connection (provided by themaster module) and triggers the commutation of two solid staterelays: a NO contact and a NC contact based on sensor output.

Two selectors are available to conffgure sensor signal output(PNP/2 wires or NPN) and logic (direct or reverse).The module also has two LED indicators for diagnostics.

带有 3 个颚式钳的自动定心气动抓持器(SXT 系列)

?双动作 (可按需关闭)。






?FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。

?Double acting (normally closed on request).

?Strong gripping force.

?Protection class: IP67.

?Double O-Ring sealing on the columns.

?Suitable for harsh environments.

?Optional magnetic sensors.

?FDA-H1 food-grade grease.

介质压缩空气符合 ISO 8573-1:2010 [7:4:4]








?S1: enables the selection of the type of output signal, PNP(P/2) or NPN (N).

?S2: enables the selection of internal PULL-UP (PU) or PULLDOWN(PD) resistors depending on the NPN or PNP selection(via S1), respectively.

?L1: green when powered.

?L2: amber when the NC series output is switched (e.g. allcontacts open).

?L3: amber when the NO series is switched (e.g. all contactsclosed).

姓名: 吴琦 先生
手机: 15995926117
业务 QQ: 2542036155
公司地址: 江苏省常熟市古里镇通华路1号2幢
电话: 0512-52977396
传真: 0512-52977396