Advantages of hollow rotor:
1. After the weight of the hollow rotor decreases, the axial
torsion of conventional rotor will recede, break-out torque will lower, gear
motor type will be relatively small, as well as customer's use cost will
greatly lower with effect of environmental protection and energy saving
2. Because the force of friction is closely related to
weight, the force of friction of the rotor lowers and service life increases on
a year-on-year basis in the operation process of the pump after the weight1
decreases in comparison to the equivalent solid rotor.
二、螺杆泵的品质 现在市场上的螺杆泵的种类较多,相对而言,进口的螺杆泵设计合理,材质精良,但价格较高,服务方面有的不到位,油井泵空心转子,配件价格高,订货周期长,可能影响生产的正常运行。 国内生产的大都进口产品,产品质量良莠不齐,在选用国内生产的产品时,在考虑其的时候,选用低转速,长导程,传动量部件材质优良,额定寿命长的产品。 三、确保杂物不进入泵体 湿污泥中混入的固体杂物会对螺杆泵的橡胶材质定子造成损坏,所以确保杂物不进入泵的腔体是很重要的,很多污水厂在泵前加装了粉碎机,也有的安装格栅装置或滤网,阻挡杂物进入螺杆泵,对于格栅应及时清捞以免造成堵塞。