
管理鸭舍通风,放养密度为3/m2,准备完整的生产箱,番鸭苗报价,并将秸秆放入箱内以减少破碎的鸡蛋。大群饲养可以包围鸭舍,直接将稻草放在地上成为扁平的“大蛋盒”。注意防止番鸭。 Zui的有效方法是将巢鸭经常变成鸭舍。住2晚,然后转身离开。请注意,番鸭苗批发,转移必须在晚上进行。 2.3注意鸭舍清洁和疾病预防。通常,每周更换一次填充。每次放入新的填充物时,不要忘记在地板上喷上石灰粉。注意鸭舍的干燥和通风。定期用烧制物,复合和生石灰等消毒剂对鸭舍周围环境进行消毒。此外,大群繁殖,尤其是番鸭,应注意定期接种,预防鸭细小病毒病,鸭瘟,病毒性小鸭赣南,鸭蹄等疾病,根据当地疫情,制定适当的流程和疾病预防措施。



卵,番鸭苗孵化厂,鸭和鹅的育雏期是指0至6周龄,这是卵,鸭和鹅整个生长过程中的重要阶段。业内有一种“终生5周”的说法。这一阶段不仅影响小鸭和鹅的成活率和生长,而且影响未来产蛋的生产性能。为了成功培育和培育你的节目中的小鸭和鹅,有必要找出育雏期间的问题并解决它们。 1,鸭鹅鸭鹅的质量与育雏的成败有关。当鸭子和鹅被引入鸭子和鹅时,通常很难理解事实。因此,要抓好产区疫情调查,包头番鸭苗,了解产区生存率和均匀度。鸭鹅养殖场应有《种畜禽生产经营许可证》,管理规定,无重大流行病,白利,白雪病等疾病已经净化,并持有原产地检疫证书。

The cold insulation performance of the duck house should be excellent. The roof should have ceiling or heat insulation. The north wall should not leak air. The height of the eaves is 2.6~2.8 meters. The ratio of window to ground area is 1:8. The area of the south window is comparable. The north window is 1 times larger, the south window is 60-70 cm above the ground, and the north window is 1 to 1.2 meters high from the ground. In order to make the summer well ventilated, the north side can open the foot and window. But without glass, only iron bars or lead wire mesh are installed to prevent animal damage. In the cold season, it is sealed with tarpaulin or plastic cloth to prevent air leakage. In addition to setting up drainage ditch, there is also a place for breeding ducks to lay eggs in the evening. Single-row type duck house, the walkway is on the north side, the drainage ditch is next to the walkway, the barbed wire or wooden strip is covered, the drinker is placed on the wire mesh, and the south side is on the side of the wall. The terrain is slightly higher, and the nest box can be placed. The egg laying box is 30 cm wide and 40 cm long. It is nailed with wooden boards, without bottom, and the front is lower for the ducks to enter and exit. The other three sides are 35 cm high, and the bottom of the box is covered with wood chips or short clean mats. Each box can be used for 3 egg type ducks or 4 meat type ducks.xx

番鸭苗报价-西彦孵化厂(在线咨询)-包头番鸭苗由夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂提供。夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂是一家从事“鸡,鸭,鹅孵化。”的公司。自成立以来,我们坚持以“诚信为本,稳健经营”的方针,勇于参与市场的良性竞争,使“宋氏禽业”品牌拥有良好口碑。我们坚持“服务至上,用户至上”的原则,使西彦孵化厂在动物种苗中赢得了客户的信任,树立了良好的企业形象。 特别说明:本信息的图片和资料仅供参考,欢迎联系我们索取准确的资料,谢谢!同时本公司还是从事番鸭苗批发,鸳鸯鸭苗,番鸭苗的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。

姓名: 徐西彦 先生
手机: 18937021077
业务 QQ: 644930091
公司地址: 夏邑县李集镇徐楼村西段路南
电话: 1893-7021077
传真: 1893-7021077