

Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. Has been starting equipment upgrade program. Fiber laser trimming systems will replace

all the YAG laser and simi-conductor laser.

Fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.

Thunder Precision Resistors makes high precision and ultra precision resistors and ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability and reliability already!


Thunder Precision Resistors strictly according to the ISO9001:2015 Qulity Mangement System, which manufacture all kinds of high precision resistors with full variety, high precision and good performance,besides high precision matel film resistor,0.05%精密电阻1ppm/℃, we also have matel film MELF resistors,mold type metal film resistors, high frequency and pulse loading thick film power resistors,current sensor resistors,赣州精密电阻, high precision wirewound resistors,0.01%精密电阻5ppm/℃,Ultra high working voltage,ultra high ohm value metal glaze film resistors, ultra stability,ultra high precision mould type resistors. 

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的晶圆线绕熔断电阻器大批量生产和使用,其极高的可靠性和得到了广大用户的好评与肯定。 尤其是汽车行业中的使用数量非常之大,增长速度非常之快,为配合迅速增长的使用需要和发展需要,我司不断增加生产设备以提高产能,现在已经具有500万只以上的月产能,足够满足现有用户的使用要求,还有很大一部分余量,希望有需要的用户及时和尽快联系我司,以免耽误您的生产计划。



姓名: 邹晒霞 女士
手机: 13798596435
业务 QQ: 85750021
公司地址: 深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房
电话: 0755-26611344
传真: 0755-26619489