磁性传感器(可选) 通过活塞上的一个磁铁检测出操作位置。因此,大量的磁性材料和强烈的磁场可能会造成传感问题。
The operating position is detected by proximity magnetic sensors
(optional) through a magnet p1aced on the piston.
Therefore, avoid using the gripper in the vicinity of intense
magnetic ffelds or near a large mass of ferromagnetic material
as this may cause detection errors.
IP66聚苯i乙烯传感器接线盒。? 可使用标准电缆密封套定制的电缆进线/出线。? 使用夹具可以连接多达8个带警告LED的传感器,可以使用跳线设置配置。
按下编程按钮进行简单配置。? 按下按钮时,微处理器存储所连接的全部输入的状态。每次返回相同输入状态时,都会激i活输出。
带可复位熔断器的短路保护。? 可以串联多个盒子以增加可连接的传感器数量(只需按一个按钮即可存储全部传感器的状态)。
单个继电器输出的zui大开关电流达1A,单个晶体管输出的开关电流达30 mA。
Before programming the sensor box, make sure that the wired inputs are in the confguration (ON/OFF) desired to enable the output. Press the AUTOSET button and hold it down for 3 seconds until the READING red light starts fashing, then release it.The red light (READING) fashing indicates that the microprocessor is reading and storing the state of all the inputs. Then the red light goes off and the output is enabled. Output enabling is indicated by the yellow light (STORED).