vaunix 开关 LSW-102P4T-75F
vaunix 开关 LSW-102P4T-75F
Operating Frequency 75 Ohm:0.01 to 1 GHz
Single pole, 4 throw, terminated
Insertion Loss 0.01 to 2 GHz: 1.5 dB typ. 2.5 dB max.
2 to 3 GHz: 2.5 dB typ. 3.5 dB max.
3 to 4 GHz: 3.5 dB typ. 4.5 dB max.
4 to 5 GHz: 4.0 dB typ. 5.5 dB max.
5 to 6 GHz: 4.5 dB typ. 6.0 dB max.
Isolation  65 dB typ. 55 dB min.
Isolation  60 dB typ. 50 dB min.
Return Loss (all ports) 20 dB typ. 10 dB min
Input Power 0.01 to 3 GHz: 42 dBm typ.
(for 0.1 dB Compression) 3 to 4 GHz: 41 dBm typ.
4 to 6 GHz: 40 dBm typ.
Input 3rd Order Intercept +60 dBm typ.

姓名: 张工 先生
手机: 18017918069
业务 QQ: 1650780065
公司地址: 上海市浦东新区康桥路1100号1204室
电话: 021-58126804
传真: 021-58126844