●在石油及领域的应用:单螺杆泵可用于直井或水平井,结构紧凑占地少,能耗低,运行可靠,全寿命成本低,螺杆泵转子,特别适合稠油和含沙气层的开采。 ●在化工领域的应用:输送苛刻介质,针对不同用途,选用碳钢,不锈钢,双向不锈钢,哈氏合金及钛合金基至陶瓷转子,当介质因高温或含有某些化学成分而不能选用弹性材料时,可选用塑料定子,铸铁定子。输送的介质非常广泛,如染料,颜料,油漆,涂料,各种酸碱溶液,各种催化剂,各种成分复杂的化工原料等。成功应用与造纸,水煤浆,业,炼化厂等。 ●在计量加药技术及系统的应用:单螺杆泵的流量和转速成正比,通过调节转速,可以达到的定量输送的目的。
B、流体粘度对工况的影响The effect of B and fluid viscosity on the working condition随着流体粘度的增加,由于产生较高的压降使泵的排量下降。As the viscosity of the fluid increases, the displacement of the pump decreases as a result of high pressure drop.C、泵磨损影响Effect of C and pump wear螺杆泵的工作转速通常为40至500r/min,为减少由于磨损而带来的维修工作量,应当随流体的磨蚀性增加而降低泵的转速。研究表明,泵的磨损与流体流速成正比,但是低的转速对井下泵的使用寿命又产生不利的影响。The working speed of the screw pump is usually 40 to 500r/min. In order to reduce the maintenance workload caused by wear, the speed of the pump should be reduced with the increase of the abrasive wear of the fluid. The study shows that the wear of the pump is proportional to the flow velocity of the fluid, but the low speed of the pump has a negative effect on the life of the downhole pump.