F、抽油杆F, sucker rod所使用的抽油杆是常用的普通抽油杆、空心抽油杆和连续抽油杆,可根据油井确定。The sucker rod used is commonly used as a common 1sucker rod, hollow sucker rod and continuous sucker rod, which can be determined according to the oil well.G、定子扶正器G, stator centralizer定子扶正器为有一定弹性的笼形装罩,每一对由两半构成,中间大、两端小。作用是使定子居中和减小定子的摆动。The stator centralizer is a cage shaped cover with a certain elasticity. Each pair is made up of two halves, large in the middle and small at both ends. The function is to make the stator middle and reduce the stator wobble.H、锚定装置H, anchoring device对于没有封隔器的井和泵挂深度浅的井,用于固定定子、消除摆动和防止定子脱扣。采用普通的锚定装置即可。For wells without packers and shallow wells with deep pumps, it is used to fix the stator, eliminate the swinging and prevent the tripping of the stator. A common anchoring device can be used.
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