本书主要介绍由 盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的 工程师亲自参与设计、调试并验证的实验室电路,通过这些实验电路,可以将产品迅速、放心地组合起来,大功率精密电阻,为许多通用应用提供了解决方案。 每款电路包含详细的设计文档、常见电路变化等丰富信息,贴片精密电阻,值得收藏。此书为该系列从书中册。 盛雷城精密电阻有限公司此本高精密电阻使用手册,赣县精密电阻,详细介绍了高精密电阻器和高精密电阻网络的性能和各项指标,晶圆精密电阻,介绍了高精密电阻网络和高精密电阻器与普通电阻器的主要差别,着重介绍和阐述了高精密电阻器与高精密电阻网络不能从大批量普通电阻器中挑选的原因。 |
MSR series current senser and shunt resistors: made by Thunder Precision Resistors
Resistances from 0.005 to 0.100Ohms ?
Tolerance to ±1% ?
Resistance Wire TCR: ± 20ppm/°C ?
For Current Sensing and Shunt Applicati ?
All Welded Ctruction ? Low Inductance ( <10nH ) ?
Economical Bare Metal Element
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司制造的MSR 系列电流传感器和大功率分流电阻器:
电阻阻值范围从 0.005 to 0.100Ohm 电阻精度高达 ±1% ?
温度系数: TCR: ± 20ppm/°C ?
超低分布参数: ( <10nH )
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. Has been starting equipment upgrade program. Fiber laser trimming systems will replace
all the YAG laser and simi-conductor laser.
Fiber laser is the most stabilized laser system that will increase the quality of the groove on the resistors so that the stability of the resistors will be increased accordingly.
Thunder Precision Resistors makes high precision and ultra precision resistors and ultra precision resistor networks with really high stability and reliability already!