THUNDER PRECISION RESISTORS,in the fierce market competition, relying on high quality products, timely service, to win the trust of our customers and the market is expanding.The company depending on the quality of the product,Establish quality assurance system for production and sale and service, Our company has passed ISO9001.TUV certification,UAR精密电阻0.05%, Professional development and production of various types of precision resistors and according to customer requirements of different parameters, different areas, different installation methods to meet the requirements of various types of high precision ducts sale throughout China and exported to the international market.
The ultra high precision resistors are the superior products of Thunder Precision Resistors, This kind of products adopt the material and production process are adopted from Europe and American, It is called UPR ultra high precision mold type resistors, With its high stability, high reliability, high precision, lower TCR, won the majority of precision instruments at home and abroad and precision electronic balance, weighing apparatus and other production enterprises' favor.
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司在2015年度取得了50% 以上业绩增长的骄人的成绩!远远超过了预定的25%的业绩增长目标!
线绕精密电阻0.1%-宁都精密电阻-盛雷城电阻器加工定制由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司是一家从事“精密电阻,高压电阻,晶圆电阻,电阻网络,高精密电阻等”的公司。自成立以来,我们坚持以“诚信为本,稳健经营”的方针,勇于参与市场的良性竞争,使“THUNDER”品牌拥有良好口碑。我们坚持“服务至上,用户至上”的原则,使雷城电阻在电阻器中赢得了客户的信任,树立了良好的企业形象。 特别说明:本信息的图片和资料仅供参考,欢迎联系我们索取准确的资料,谢谢!