


Thunder Precision Resistors was founded in 1989 with its factory located in the Industry development Zone of Ganzhou City,JiangXi Province of RPC., This company is well-equipped with modernized production base,enjoy a high reputation from our users and within the industry.

The company has accumulated rich experience in the manufacturing of high precision resistors, our products have various types,long life expectancy and high price-quality ratio, which have been widely applied in many areas such as instruments and meters,weighing apparatus,Communication equipment, high quality power supply, transmitter etc.



RRXM series MELF type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors specially designed for high quality power suppliers and power switchs, power meters and hgih quality instruments.Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers and the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors, SMT type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!


在中国电力行业的高新技术企业中校准仪器仪表的 ----- 深圳科陆电子股份有限公司 2015年的招标过程中,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司凭借优异的产品品质和极高地产品,0.02%精密电阻2ppm/℃,一举获中标 全部产品!这是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司荣获 江西省高新技术企业奖励 之后又一次 殊荣, 也是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司全体员工的又一大喜之事!

其中包括超高稳定的模压型精密电阻 EE 系列,赣州市精密电阻, 超的模压型精密电阻 UPR 系列,0.01%精密电阻3ppm/℃,大功率氧化膜电阻器 RY 系列,涂覆型精密电阻器 RJ 系列,还有,盛雷城的精密晶圆电阻器 RJM 系列等,都在中标之列。

0.01%精密电阻3ppm/℃-盛雷城电阻器加工定制由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司实力不俗,信誉可靠,在江西 赣州 的电阻器等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。雷城电阻带着精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!

姓名: 邹晒霞 女士
手机: 13798596435
业务 QQ: 85750021
公司地址: 深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房
电话: 0755-26611344
传真: 0755-26619489