Advantages of hollow rotor:
1. After the weight of the hollow rotor decreases, the axial
torsion of conventional rotor will recede, break-out torque will lower,空心转子, gear
motor type will be relatively small, as well as customer's use cost will
greatly lower with effect of environmental protection and energy saving
2. Because the force of friction is closely related to
weight, the force of friction of the rotor lowers and service life increases on
a year-on-year basis in the operation process of the pump after the weight1
decreases in comparison to the equivalent solid rotor.

单螺杆泵的选型要点1.单螺杆泵的压力确定: 单螺杆泵输出压力是根据衬套级数即衬套的导程数来确定: 1级:工作压力为0.6 MPa; 2级:工作压力为1.2 MPa; 4级:工作压力为2.4 MPa; 由于输送介质情况不同,3qgb螺杆泵对于含有严重磨损性的介质,请参照表一选择衬套级数。表一:根据介质的磨损性选择衬套级数 磨损性 一级 二级
