Thunder Precision Resistors Company is a high - tech enterprise in Jiangxi Province,work at research and production in high precision resistors more than 20 years,have been widely applied in many areas such as instruments and meters,weighing apparatus,0.05%精密电阻1ppm/℃,Communication equipment, high quality power supply, transmitter etc.Our resistors had exported all over the world,known with stability,in-time delivery and easy to use. Innovation and good quality is our conception, Customer's demands and satisfaction is the goal of our service, We will always hold this principle for the service to our clients.
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司也是中国电子元件行业协会电阻器电位器分会的理事单位,南康精密电阻,是中国仅有的几家生产高稳定性电阻器的高新技术企业,拥有近25年丰富的高精密金属膜电阻器的生产经验,可以生产金属膜电阻器的,也就是金属膜电阻器的极限精度 0.01%!这个精度也是中国电阻企业可以达到的!这是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司为中国电子元件行业做出的贡献!也是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的特别荣誉标识!
RRXM series MELF type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors specially designed for high quality power suppliers and power switchs, power meters and hgih quality instruments.Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers and the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors,0.02%精密电阻1ppm/℃, SMT type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!