真空泵 / EJ-BA
? 非常适合分散应用
? 吸气流速和压缩空气消耗量之间的比率高
? 可以集成在夹持点附近,真空泵配件,质量轻
? G3/8' 真空端口
? 辅助真空端口,镇江真空泵,用于 G1/8' 系统的可能吹扫或监控
? 提供双级和三级 EJ-MEDIUM 盒(EJ-LP、EJ-HF 和 EJ-HV)
? 搬运密封件,如玻璃和金属部件 (EJ-HV)
? 包装(装箱机、纸箱包装机)(EJ-HF、EJ-LP)
? 塑料(模塑)
? 自动、
3-jaw self-centring electric gripper
? Plug & p1ay user friendly gripper.
? No electricity con5umption when gripper is engaged.
? No programming required.
? Gripper retention guaranteed in event of blackout.
? Self Adapting jaws part.
? Long life Brushless motor (Brushless DC).
? Built-in motor driver.
? 24 Vdc Low Voltage Power Supply.
? M8x1, 3 poles standard connection.
? Controllable by PLC as a pneumatic valve.
? Fiber-carbon gear reduction.
? 10 milion cycle maintenance-free.
? T-slot style jaws for heavy loads.
? Weight-dimensi0n5-force best trade off.
? Rotary actuator fitting compatible.
? Optional magnetic sensors.
?S1: enables the selection of the type of output signal, PNP(P/2) or NPN (N).
?S2: enables the selection of internal PULL-UP (PU) or PULLDOWN(PD) resistors depending on the NPN or PNP selection(via S1), respectively.
?L1: green when powered.
?L2: amber when the NC series output is switched (e.g. allcontacts open).
?L3: amber when the NO series is switched (e.g. all contactsclosed).