PET片材机组 PET片材设备 PET 片材机械 PET片材生产线PET片材机组 PET片材设备 PET 片材机械 PET片材生产线PET片材机组 PET片材设备 PET 片材机械 PET片材生产线PET片材机组 PET片材设备 PET 片材机械 PET片材生产线
PET片材机组 PET片材设备 PET 片材机械 PET片材生产线
片材厚度范围:0.15~1.0mm; 0.2~1.5mm
制品宽幅:≤ 660mm;680 mm;720 mm;850 mm;1000 mm;1100 mm;1200 mm;1250 mm;
设备宽幅:≤ 800 mm;900 mm;1000 mm;1100 mm;1200 mm;1300 mm;1400 mm;
PET plastic sheet production line, developed and made by our company,has the compact equipments structure and good performance ,pet片材生产线的使用,its screw and barrel ,reasonably designed,stable extrusion,high output ,long lifespan and other merits.The exact calibration calendering equipment can make the sheets well calibrated by the good regulation function .PET sheets can be processed to be all kinds of packing products,which have good air lock without any other additives ,pure sanitation,good toughness and extension,good recycling feature etc.That is widely used in electrical equipments,toy,food,and medicine packing and in the field of printing
pet片材设备技术-青岛威尔塑机(在线咨询)-pet片由青岛威尔塑料机械有限公司提供。青岛威尔塑料机械有限公司实力不俗,信誉可靠,在山东 青岛 的其它等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。青岛威尔塑机带着精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!