RRXM series MELF type wire wound fusible resistors is one kind of supreme security function resistors specially designed for high quality power suppliers and power switchs, power meters and hgih quality instruments.Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has developed fusible wire wound resistors, wire wound fusible resistors on requests of our customers and the new melf type fusible wire wound resistors, SMT type high power rating wire wound fusible resistors had been approved by our honarable customers!
Melf type wire wound fusible resistors are the new resistors made by Thunder Precision Resistor Co.in 2013.
Melf type wire wound fusible resistorsare used to as safety protection components with small size and high power capability and adjustable fusing power rating and fusible time duration.
线绕熔断电阻器是近些年来研发出来的新型熔断电阻器,晶圆型熔断电阻器也就是MELF 型线绕熔断电阻器是盛雷城精密电阻有限公司近年来退出的新型产品,产品具有体积小,功率密度高,熔断功率和熔断时间可以根据用户的实际实际需要进行调整,所以具有无可替代的性。
MSR series current senser and shunt resistors: made by Thunder Precision Resistors
Resistances from 0.005 to 0.100Ohms ?
Tolerance to ±1% ?
Resistance Wire TCR: ± 20ppm/°C ?
For Current Sensing and Shunt Applicati ?
All Welded Ctruction ? Low Inductance ( <10nH ) ?
Economical Bare Metal Element
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司制造的MSR 系列电流传感器和大功率分流电阻器:
电阻阻值范围从 0.005 to 0.100Ohm 电阻精度高达 ±1% ?
温度系数: TCR: ± 20ppm/°C ?
超低分布参数: ( <10nH )
熔断晶圆电阻0102-深圳市晶圆电阻-盛雷城电阻器批发由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司是一家从事“精密电阻,高压电阻,晶圆电阻,电阻网络,高精密电阻等”的公司。自成立以来,我们坚持以“诚信为本,稳健经营”的方针,勇于参与市场的良性竞争,使“THUNDER”品牌拥有良好口碑。我们坚持“服务至上,用户至上”的原则,使雷城电阻在电阻器中赢得了客户的信任,树立了良好的企业形象。 特别说明:本信息的图片和资料仅供参考,欢迎联系我们索取准确的资料,谢谢!