盛雷城精密电阻有限公司集二十年多丰富的精密电阻生产和质量管理经验,生产制造的 EE系列模压型精密电阻器使用德国CERAMTAC生产的高含铝量达96%的高铝瓷棒,和美国的镀膜靶材,严格按照从欧洲引进的生产工艺,使用激光调阻和高温模压等一系列特殊工序制造的,俗称为黑电阻,具有很高的稳定性与可靠性、以及非常小的温度系数甚至可以控制到单方向的温度系数,寿命试验变化量非常小,精度高而且长期稳定性非常高,电压噪声和电流噪声都非常小,精度高达0.025%,温度系数可低至5ppm/℃, 适用于精密仪器仪表的采样道路,基准电路。早已取代了该类型进口产品,被精密仪器仪表和精密衡器以及电子天平等生产企业广泛使用
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司很早就开始采用欧洲和美国的生产工艺和材料,为精密仪器仪表和精密衡器以及电子天平等生产企业提供具有较高要求的EE系列模压型电阻器,这种电阻采用黑色的硅胶塑封成型,俗称为黑电阻,具有很高的稳定性和可靠性以及非常小的温度系数, 其高稳定性、高可靠性、超、低TCR的特性, 得到了仪器仪表客户的一致好评和肯定。
THUNDER Precision Resistor Co. Ltd. started every earlier to use the advanced production technology and material from Europe and the United States.The company provide EE series molded type resistor to fulfill high requirement for precision instruments, precision electronic balance, weighing apparatus and other production enterprises. This kind of resistances mold with silicone, commonly known as black resistance. it has very high stability and reliability as well as the temperature coefficient is very lower, Because of its high stability, high reliability, high precision, low TCR properties, the products are obtained high quality instrumentation customers' praise and recognition.
大功率电阻器是现代工业和电力系统需要的重要元件,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司一直在研发大功率和超大功率电阻器,电阻器的电流负载能力非常之大,色环精密电阻,的体积可以负载从10W,15W,30W, 50W, 100W, 150W, 300W,甚至高达1000W功率!
Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. has been working on high power resistors for more that 10 years. The high power resistors or say extra high power resistors reach 1000W power loading capability in water cooling system.
UPR series resistors,贴片精密电阻,ultra high stability resistors, ultra low temperature coefficient to ±1ppm/℃,中山精密电阻, ultra high reliability resistors,晶圆精密电阻, ultra high precision resistors, ±0.01%, mold type, T0220 encapsulation, ultra high reliability resistors;