
盛雷城精密电阻有限公司生产制造的RJM73U0204和 RJM74U0207系列超晶圆电阻器具有超高稳定性和可靠性,是VISHAY公司 UMA0204 和 UMB0207系列的完全替代产品。

Ultra-precision melf type resistors series RJM73U0204 and RJM74U0207 are of ultra high stability and reliability. They are the right cross to Vishay's UMA0204 and UMB0207.

RRXM series MELF type wire wound fusible resistors:RRX series fusible wire wound resistors are designed as fusible safety resistor (or, AC mains input resistors) in electric appliances and energy meters. The specially selected resistive winding wire and special non-flammable silicon cement coating material are adopted to ensure safe and silent fusing operation without flame and immediate interruption in overload conditi. Wide range of overload currents is available upon request.

RRXM 系列线绕熔断型晶圆电阻器可以根据用户的要求,进行无感设计制造: RRX系列熔断线绕电阻器在电器和电能仪表中被设计为熔断保险电阻(或AC电源输入电阻)。同时,它作为一个为正常运行在高峰限流电阻。 特别选定的合金电阻丝和特殊的阻燃性硅水泥涂层材料,可以确保在过载发生时,可以及时、安全和安静的熔断,不产生明火。熔断的过载电流范围的可根据要求进行调整。 特殊的阻燃性硅水泥涂层具有优异的散热和导热性能以及很好的电气绝缘性能。这使设计人员能够更容易地满足安全验收要求,而不需要额外的熔断器。

高精密电阻具有精度高、稳定性好、长期,品质优良的特点。盛雷城精密电阻有限公司的生产基地坐落于美丽的赣州市经济技术开发区,距离深圳6小时车程,广东深圳精密电阻,目前公司已建立多条电阻生产线,并以ISO9001质量管理体系严格要求产品品质。 承诺向广大客户创造一YILIU流品质的产品,提供一YILIU流服务。公司使用的检测设备,制造经验丰富,确保产品的一致性,采用德国进口原材料及的生产工艺,保证产品的内在品质。

High precision resistor has the characteristics of high precision,UPR精密电阻0.1%, good stability,金属膜精密电阻0.05%, long term performance and high quality.Thunder Precision Resistor's production basement locate in beautiful Ganzhou economic and Technological Development Zone, is about 6 hours far from SHENZHEN city,UPR精密电阻0.05%, At present, the company has established a number of resistance production lines, and strict requests for product quality by ISO9001 quality management system. We Commitment to the customers to create first-class quality products, providing first-class service.


姓名: 邹晒霞 女士
手机: 13798596435
业务 QQ: 85750021
公司地址: 深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房
电话: 0755-26611344
传真: 0755-26619489