


?弹簧关闭;如需要时弹簧打开 。



?FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。


?Double acting.

?Available with normally closed or normally open spring on


?Various options for fastening and feeding.

?Optional magnetic sensors.

?FDA-H1 food-grade grease.

?Stainless steel jaws.


磁性传感器(可选) 通过活塞上的一个磁铁检测出操作位置。因此,辽阳抓持器,大量的磁性材料和强烈的磁场可能会造成传感问题。

The operating position is detected by proximity magnetic sensors

(optional) through a magnet p1aced on the piston.

Therefore,抓持器是什么, avoid using the gripper in the vicinity of intense

magnetic ffelds or near a large mass of ferromagnetic material

as this may cause detection errors.

双钳口自动对准平行i气动钳夹 (PE系列)

? 双动作(PE-25和PE-45可按要求单动作)。

? 高i性能,高可靠性。

? 不同行程的多种选择。

? 在整个行程中,夹紧力是不变的。

? 合金结构实现它的轻重量。

? FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。

2-jaw parallel self-centering pneumatic gripper

(series PE)

? Double acting (single acting upon request for PE-25...

and PE-45...).

? High efficiency and reliability due to the lack of driving parts.

? Wide choice of stroke length options.

? The gripping force is constant on both directions along total


? Light weight; due to its alloy construction.

? FDA-H1 food-grade grease.

姓名: 吴琦 先生
手机: 15995926117
业务 QQ: 2542036155
公司地址: 江苏省常熟市古里镇通华路1号2幢
电话: 0512-52977396
传真: 0512-52977396