


Thunder Precision Resistor has automatic cutting machines,automatic laser trimming, welding machines,cap press machines for precision resistors manufacture equipments and several painting production line,金属釉膜晶圆电阻0207,which can ensure each product in line with the high quality.

Thunder passed ISO9001 quality system since company founded, the products cover many series including precision metal film resistors,precision wirewound resistors,mold type precision resistors,current sensor resistors,ultra high working voltage,high ohm value metal glaze film resistors etc, Thunder products are exported to Asia,Europe,America and other regi.

盛雷城精密电阻有限公司联合台湾机器制造一起研制的新型高速大功率电阻器立式成型机已经可以稳定在每分钟180只左右 速度,连续运转。




High stability,high reliability,0102晶圆电阻,ultra high precision,lower TCR.these are all the characteristics of the mold type resistors which manufactured by Thunder Precision Resistors, also called black resistors, EE resistors.Thunder Precision Resistors adopted advanced production process and material from European and American. We provide high requirements EE series of mold type resistors which also named black resistors with high stability and reliability and very lower TCR. for high precision instruments and precision electronic balance weighing apparatus and other production enterprises.

金属釉膜晶圆电阻0207-上犹晶圆电阻-盛雷城高压电阻厂家由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司提供。盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司是江西 赣州 ,电阻器的见证者,多年来,公司贯彻执行科学管理、创新发展、诚实守信的方针,满足客户需求。在雷城电阻领导携全体员工热情欢迎各界人士垂询洽谈,共创雷城电阻更加美好的未来。

姓名: 邹晒霞 女士
手机: 13798596435
业务 QQ: 85750021
公司地址: 深圳市南山区马家龙工业区16栋厂房
电话: 0755-26611344
传真: 0755-26619489