
双钳口非自动校准中心斜口气动夹具 PB系列

? FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。

? 提供 6 毫米、8 毫米和 12 毫米孔径三种尺寸。

? 位于颚式钳尖部或尾部的传感器。

? 带齿(用于浇口抓持)或者带衬垫(用于软接触)的颚式


? 铝质或钢质颚式钳

2-jaw n0n-selfcentering angular pneumatic sprue

gripper series PB

? FDA-H1 food-grade grease.

? Three available sizes with piston bore 6mm,机器人抓手市场, 8mm,机器人抓手, 12mm.

? Sensor on the tip of the jaw,机器人抓手公司, or on the tail.

? Jaws with teeth (for sprue gripping),机器人抓手切换方法, or with pads (for soft


? Jaws in aluminium or steel.


? X-Y 及 α 角符合性[1]。

? 在方向 Z 为刚性。

? 一根空气导管连接至中央零位 [2]。

? 另一根空气导管可锁定任何偏移位置 [3]。

Mini compliance device, for small grippers

? X-Y and angle α compliance [1].

? Rigid in Z direction.

? One air lead to get the central zero psition [2].

? Another air lead to lock in any offset psition [3].

3-jaw self-centring electric gripper

? Plug & p1ay user friendly gripper.

? No electricity con5umption when gripper is engaged.

? No programming required.

? Gripper retention guaranteed in event of blackout.

? Self Adapting jaws part.

? Long life Brushless motor (Brushless DC).

? Built-in motor driver.

? 24 Vdc Low Voltage Power Supply.

? M8x1, 3 poles standard connection.

? Controllable by PLC as a pneumatic valve.

? Fiber-carbon gear reduction.

? 10 milion cycle maintenance-free.

? T-slot style jaws for heavy loads.

? Weight-dimensi0n5-force best trade off.

? Rotary actuator fitting compatible.

? Optional magnetic sensors.

姓名: 吴琦 先生
手机: 15995926117
业务 QQ: 2542036155
公司地址: 江苏省常熟市古里镇通华路1号2幢
电话: 0512-52977396
传真: 0512-52977396