black box IC162A
black box IC162A
产品描述:USB to Multi RS-232/485 Interface Process Converter
详细描述:  COM port connectors designed for simplified RS-232/485 
cabling connection.
Also has two fully rated USB 1.1 downstream ports.
Uses high-speed UARTs with 128-byte Tx FIFOs and 384-byte Rx FIFOs.
Supports 115.2-kbps (RS-232) and 921.6-kbps (RS-485) async data rates.
1U high. Mount it in the front or rear of a rack, or use it on the desktop.
Each port features at-a-glance Tx/Rx status LEDs for verifying data 
with USB Type A/Type B cable and RS-232 and RS-485 loopback adapters.

姓名: 张工 先生
手机: 18017918069
业务 QQ: 1650780065
公司地址: 上海市浦东新区康桥路1100号1204室
电话: 021-58126804
传真: 021-58126844