

VG.LBO40X90P 聚氨酯波纹管吸盘

? 可用于窄长物体,例如瓶子、金属板管和长方形包装零食

? 可选 50 肖氏硬度绿色或 30/60 肖氏硬度绿色/黄色

? 30/60 肖氏硬度版本也是用于液体自立袋的理想选择。灵活的增强型宽边沿,可适应凹凸不平表面

? 强化内插层,确保高稳定性


材料 颜色 聚氨酯 PU,机器人电动抓手,30/60 肖氏硬度 黄色 / 绿色  聚氨酯 PU,60 肖氏硬度 绿色 


30/60 Shore

50 Shore


+10 ÷ +45 °C

+10 ÷ +45 °C



Before programming the sensor box, make sure that the wired inputs are in the confguration (ON/OFF) desired to enable the output. Press the AUTOSET button and hold it down for  3 seconds until the READING red light starts fashing, then release it.The  red light (READING) fashing indicates that the microprocessor is reading and storing the state of all the inputs. Then the red light goes off and the output is enabled. Output enabling is indicated by the yellow light (STORED).

3-jaw self-centring electric gripper

? Plug & p1ay user friendly gripper.

? No electricity con5umption when gripper is engaged.

? No programming required.

? Gripper retention guaranteed in event of blackout.

? Self Adapting jaws part.

? Long life Brushless motor (Brushless DC).

? Built-in motor driver.

? 24 Vdc Low Voltage Power Supply.

? M8x1, 3 poles standard connection.

? Controllable by PLC as a pneumatic valve.

? Fiber-carbon gear reduction.

? 10 milion cycle maintenance-free.

? T-slot style jaws for heavy loads.

? Weight-dimensi0n5-force best trade off.

? Rotary actuator fitting compatible.

? Optional magnetic sensors.

姓名: 吴琦 先生
手机: 15995926117
业务 QQ: 2542036155
公司地址: 江苏省常熟市古里镇通华路1号2幢
电话: 0512-52977396
传真: 0512-52977396