Each individual slave module enables the connection of a singlesensor.
It is powered from the internal bus connection (provided by themaster module) and triggers the commutation of two solid staterelays: a NO contact and a NC contact based on sensor output.
Two selectors are available to conffgure sensor signal output(PNP/2 wires or NPN) and logic (direct or reverse).The module also has two LED indicators for diagnostics.

磁性传感器(可选) 通过活塞上的一个磁铁检测出操作位置。因此,大量的磁性材料和强烈的磁场可能会造成传感问题。
The operating position is detected by proximity magnetic sensors
(optional) through a magnet p1aced on the piston.
Therefore, avoid using the gripper in the vicinity of intense
magnetic ffelds or near a large mass of ferromagnetic material
as this may cause detection errors.

可单指操作的斜口气动夹具 OF系列
? 单一动作。
? 可选的磁传感器。
? 食物级润滑油FDA-H1。
One finger angular pneumatic grippers for
clamping, series OF
? Single acting.
? Optional magnetic sensors.
? Food grade grease FDA-H1.
