?弹簧关闭;如需要时弹簧打开 。
?FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂。
?Double acting.
?Available with normally closed or normally open spring on
?Various options for fastening and feeding.
?Optional magnetic sensors.
?FDA-H1 food-grade grease.
?Stainless steel jaws.

带有 3 个颚式钳的自动定心气动抓持器(TH 系列)
?双动作,带可选弹簧(一般关闭或者一般开启) (3)。
?FDA-H1 食品级润滑脂.
?Double acting with optional springs (normally closed or normally open) (3).
?Long stroke or short stroke (1).
?Possibility of front fastening with through screws (2).
?High efffciency force transmission (1).
?Optional magnetic or inductive sensors.
?FDA-H1 food-grade grease.
Before programming the sensor box, make sure that the wired inputs are in the confguration (ON/OFF) desired to enable the output. Press the AUTOSET button and hold it down for 3 seconds until the READING red light starts fashing, then release it.The red light (READING) fashing indicates that the microprocessor is reading and storing the state of all the inputs. Then the red light goes off and the output is enabled. Output enabling is indicated by the yellow light (STORED).
