磁性传感器(可选) 通过活塞上的一个磁铁检测出操作位置。因此,旋转装置,大量的磁性材料和强烈的磁场可能会造成传感问题。
The operating position is detected by proximity magnetic sensors
(optional) through a magnet p1aced on the piston.
Therefore,小型旋转装置, avoid using the gripper in the vicinity of intense
magnetic ffelds or near a large mass of ferromagnetic material
as this may cause detection errors.

This accessory can be installed in the TH grippers, to hold thepayload during the gripper release, by a pushing force F.
As an example, when the chuck of a machining equipment isloaded.

VG.MB63带防滑夹板的 NBR 材质波纹管吸盘
? 是冲压过程中处理涂油金属板的理想选择
? 平板玻璃和异型玻璃的搬运
? 增加润滑表面摩擦的特殊夹板
? 适用于必须避免材料污染的应用 [PWIS(水性油漆干扰物)]
? NBR 波纹管吸盘,60 肖氏硬度,带硫化接头
? 内部支撑有助于防止薄金属板变形
? 由于唇口宽,适用于处理平坦和轻微弯曲的表面
