A.H.Systems ICP-622 电流探头
A.H.Systems ICP-622 电流探头

1 MHz to 500 MHz
Individually Calibrated
Split Type Clamp-on Design
MIL-STD-461 CS114, CS115, CS116
Meets ISO 11452-4:2005 and IEC 61000-4-6
Frequency Range:1 MHz - 500 MHz
Insertion Loss 4 to 16 dB
Transfer Impedance 16 to 31dB ohms
Turn Ratio 1:1
Max input power 200 watt
Max Input Current 50 Amp
Max Time at Full Power 30 minute
Max Temperature Rise 35° C
Connector: N-Type, Female
姓名: 张工 先生
手机: 18017918069
业务 QQ: 1650780065
公司地址: 上海市浦东新区康桥路1100号1204室
电话: 021-58126804
传真: 021-58126844